Friday, February 12, 2010

The Things I have to Put Up with.....

Seriously, how old do we have to be to realize that drinking yourself to the point of not being able to drive home safely, make it to bed, or drinking so much that it is affecting your health that is already in poor shape...??? I love Shawn, but how he behaves is just selfish.. Actually, how he behaves most of the time is just plain selfish..

Everyweek weither we have just my kids or all of our kids, I am always the one making sure they have what they need when they need it! Sometimes I tend to wonder where his brain is. It's like he doesn't care what the out come could be. He gets up every morning at 540am, as do I and expects that I must cook him a full breakfast. If I choose to sleep in an extra 20 minutes, he will actually leave with out even saying goodbye!!! Why is it that he can't do things for himself to make things easier for me.

I take care of kids all day, clean our home, (which by the way he NEVER does), I mow the yard in the summer and shovel the snow in the winter... Our children now are old enough to notice that MOM does EVERYTHING.. and Dad does nothing at home. Infact tonight my son's tells me why should he have to pick up after himself when Dad doesn't have too!!!! UGH>>> What am I to say???

Yes I am venting and at the end of the day Shawn is who he is, and I am who I am and we love each other, but wouldn't be nice if just once he would help out with something????

I hope you all have a great night!

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